baby growing: week 18


week 18 // 9-8-15

How far along? 18 weeks.

How big is baby? The size of a sweet potato.

Total weight gain? 3 pounds above starting weight. I think after getting sick and losing weight I've put on 8 pounds total? Probably should have kept better track of things.

Maternity clothes? I picked up some maternity jeans last weekend (bless holiday sales!) and they're amazingly comfy. I also picked up a few maternity shirts, but I'm hoping that I can make my normal (longer and flowy) shirts and sweaters last through the next few months until I really need maternity shirts.

Sleep? Sleeping well. I've started waking up with a sore back, but nothing I'd consider to be painful.

Food cravings? I'm still not to the point where food sounds super great, and it makes me nauseous to really think about food, but this is the first week I haven't thrown up once! (!!!) I try to eat plain(er) meals or stick with a bowl of cereal. Smoothies with chunks of fruit sounded good a few times this week, and I was happy to oblige the craving. (Unfortunately, the craving for something sweet hits at night, but that's not so much a pregnancy thing as it is a normal everyday Lex kind of thing. I've been trying really hard not to buy treats or sugary things when grocery shopping because I know I'd end up eat the whole thing within a few days... or maybe just one day. :))

Food aversions? Chicken. I made Ben some Sweet & Sour Chicken this week and it took everything in me to not get sick.

Movement? Yes! I'm most aware of him/her when I'm sitting at my desk at work or lying in bed.

Belly button in or out? In.

Weird pregnancy things? Lots of dull, achy cramps. There have been a few times where they were sharper, more concentrated cramps and I would have taken some Tylenol, except I figured it'd pass before too long/I didn't want to go hunt down the Tylenol. (I'm lazy.)

Best moment this week? Feeling the baby move around. And being at the grocery store and realizing that tomatoes with a slice of mozzarella cheese with balsamic vinegar drizzled on top sounded really great, and then discovering that the fresh mozzarella was on sale. ;)

P.S. We find out the gender tomorrow and I'm way too excited!

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