Adios, 2014!


Noteworthy things in 2014:
- Lex started classes at Washington University.
- We moved to apartment that has heat (hip hip hooray!) and a giant seafoam green jacuzzi tub from the 70s. Both are really great.
- Ben visited both the East Coast and West Coast as he attended several conferences.
- Lex (accidentally) went blonde for a week.
- Ben passed his qualifying exam and is well on his way to becoming Dr. A!
- We celebrated two years of marriage!
- Lex went on an Alaskan cruise with her mom and grandparents, and tried to convince Ben to move there when she got back.
- Ben went under the knife laser and can now see in the morning without glasses. He's thrilled.
- We had lots of family and friends come stay with us throughout the year and we loved showing them around the city.
- We survived a year of crazy schedules, too many Netflix binges, and a few road trips. :)
Places visited:
Ben:  Marco Island, FL; Palo Alto, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; New York City, NY
Lex:  Memphis, TN; Chicago, IL; Juneau, AK; Victoria, BC
Both: Salt Lake City, UT; Branson, MO; Nashville, TN; Denver, CO
Popular things in our home:
Cinnamon rolls
Reading books together at night
J.crew Factory
BYU football games

Happy New Year to you and yours! We hope that your 2014 was filled with memorable and happy times, and that your 2015 is just as special, if not more!

1 comment

  1. So much to be thankful for Lex! Good on you!! Happy 2015.. I hope to see you fulfilling a few of your band new goals in the new year xx Much love and blessings - Mel
