3 day weekend.


I can't tell you how nice it was to have an extra day off of work this past weekend! I tried to convince Ben that we needed to go on a road trip to somewhere warm (my vote was Georgia - lots of MLK sites to visit there!) while gas is so darn cheap, but unfortunately, he had to work and isn't a giant fan of road trips. ;) So instead of migrating toward warmer weather, we stayed home, hung out with friends, discovered a new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, and I de-cluttered our apartment while Ben worked all of Saturday and Monday. It definitely wasn't as warm as Georgia would have been, but it was productive and fun and wonderful.

I know, we're terribly interesting people. Haha.


  1. Those cookies look so yummy! A weekend at home is always nice too!

  2. De-cluttering is on my to-do list once the kids go back to school next week! Sounds like your enjoying life!! So good to see :)
