How far along? 31 weeks.
How big is baby? The size of 4 navel oranges or a pineapple.
Total weight gain? 22 pounds. (That frosted lemonade from Chick-fil-a was definitely worth it though. ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes. Although I did wear a pair of non-maternity tights a few times this week and that was immensely uncomfortable.
Sleep? I'd be sleeping great if it wasn't for heartburn. I've woken up a few times in the night this week to throw up (yuck) or to move to the recliner or couch to sleep sitting up. C'est la vie! (I hear heartburn goes away as soon as baby is born. Is that true?)
Food cravings? Sweets. Again, not really a pregnancy thing. . .that's just normal. I really wanted chocolate ice cream with brownie pieces this week so I caved, and then threw it up and now it doesn't sound so appealing anymore. Ha. I guess that's one way to curb a craving.
Food aversions? None.
Movement? Yes, yes, yes. She's all over the place sometimes!
Belly button in or out? In.
Weird pregnancy things? Getting light headed and breaking out into a sweat at times, and this week I hit a point where I'm feeling large and a bit uncomfortable all of the time. :)
Best moment this week? Went to Target and bought a package of diapers and some wipes! Hopefully Baby A continues to cook for another 8 weeks, but if not we now have the means to change some diapers!
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