How far along? 26 weeks.
How big is baby? The size of a head of lettuce.
Total weight gain? 17 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants and dresses mixed with old sweaters and shirts. I'm definitely having to tug at my old tops all day long to keep them pulled down. . .probably a sign that I need to put them away for the next little while.
Sleep? Sleeping well, waking up sore. I've been thinking about going and getting a prenatal massage. Or buying a pregnancy pillow or mattress topper! Something's gotta give. ;)
Food cravings? Sugar. All the sugar. (I'm also getting really excited thinking about ordering a Cafe Rio pork salad and an In-n-Out hamburger next week when I go home!)
Food aversions? None this week!
Movement? Yes. I don't think I'll ever get over how weird it is to be able to feel a kick from the inside and outside at the same time. Most of which, for now, are on the sides of my stomach.
Belly button in or out? In. It's getting flat, haha.
Weird pregnancy things? Although they're still there, my hives have gone down in size and they aren't itchy anymore! That's been really nice. :) I have crazy baby hairs at my part that take after Miley Cyrus - they just can't be tamed. I'm having 4-5 BH contractions every hour usually up at the top of my stomach, but nothing painful or regular.
Best moment this week? Went to the optometrist and finally ordered some new glasses. Looks like pregnancy hasn't temporarily changed my eyesight though!
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