week 17 // 9-1-15
How far along? 17 weeks.
How big is baby? The size of an onion.
Total weight gain? 2 pounds.
Maternity clothes? I'm sticking with my maternity dresses and scrubs for the most part. I spent Friday wearing some of my regular pants that were definitely too tight around my middle--even with the rubber band trick--and decided that it's time to pack them up for another season in life.
Sleep? I was still dealing with my cough/cold this week, so I didn't sleep as great as the previous weeks. Minus the cold, I would be sleeping great, I'm sure. :)
Food cravings? Nothing really. Food hasn't sounded great this week.
Food aversions? Chicken.
Movement? Yes! I was lying on my stomach on
Saturday night and definitely felt some very faint movement. The first
two or three times I wasn't sure if it was just my stomach moving food
around, haha. I haven't felt the baby moving around since, but I've also
avoided lying on my stomach since it's starting to hurt.
Belly button in or out? In.
Weird pregnancy things? Lots of nausea, and fortunately I only threw up once this week. Quite a few headaches and days of cramping - nothing unbearable though. :)
Best moment this week? Feeling the baby move for the first time!
Best moment this week? Feeling the baby move for the first time!
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