How far along? 15 weeks.
How big is baby? The size of an orange.
Total weight gain? No weight gain this week.
Maternity clothes? I pulled out two maternity dresses this week for work and church, but I mostly stuck to wearing scrubs.
Sleep? Sleeping great! But no matter how much I sleep, I wake up tired and ready for a nap. ;)
Best moment this week? I'd be lying if I didn't say making and eating homemade cinnamon rolls.
Food cravings? Nothing has sounded super delicious this week, except homemade cinnamon rolls and fresh peaches. Oh, and burgers and fries- but only with lots of ketchup, tomatoes, pickles, and onions!
Food aversions? Chicken!
Movement? None.
Belly button in or out? In.
Weird pregnancy things? 1) I've never been able to grow out my nails, but they're SO long and strong now! 2) I haven't been too nauseous this week, and only threw up once on Sunday morning. 3) A small dark spot showed up on my cheek this week. It isn't too noticeable to anyone else and I can easily cover it with makeup, but still so weird! 4) Heartburn. I've never experienced it before so when it hit as I was climbing into bed one night, I was really confused.
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