listening: to Pandora on shuffle
making: plans for one last girls' night before everyone moves away!
cooking: nothing for the next day or two
drinking: orange juice, water, and NyQuil
wanting: to go on a road trip soon
looking: at makeup products online so I can use a gift card
playing: music
wasting: time filling this out
wishing: for this cold to go away
eating: a hard-boiled egg and an apple (and a brownie, let's be honest)
enjoying: the fact that it's the weekend!
reading: American Sniper
waiting: for May to pass by
liking: being the secretary in Relief Society
wondering: why people don't understand the difference between protesting and rioting
loving: audiobooks and being able to check out books online
hoping: to explore St. Louis a bit more, as well as surrounding areas
marveling: at how fast all of the flowers bloomed
needing: a massage
smelling: nothing. I'm all stuffed up :)
wearing: yoga pants and a junky shirt
following: the trend of simplifying
knowing: that the best way to have a good day is to focus on others
thinking: of Mexican food
feeling: lazy and bored
bookmarking: new recipes - check them out here
opening: another box of tissues
giggling: at the Mormon memes my brothers keep sending me
making: plans for one last girls' night before everyone moves away!
cooking: nothing for the next day or two
drinking: orange juice, water, and NyQuil
wanting: to go on a road trip soon
looking: at makeup products online so I can use a gift card
playing: music
wasting: time filling this out
wishing: for this cold to go away
eating: a hard-boiled egg and an apple (and a brownie, let's be honest)
enjoying: the fact that it's the weekend!
reading: American Sniper
waiting: for May to pass by
liking: being the secretary in Relief Society
wondering: why people don't understand the difference between protesting and rioting
loving: audiobooks and being able to check out books online
hoping: to explore St. Louis a bit more, as well as surrounding areas
marveling: at how fast all of the flowers bloomed
needing: a massage
smelling: nothing. I'm all stuffed up :)
wearing: yoga pants and a junky shirt
following: the trend of simplifying
knowing: that the best way to have a good day is to focus on others
thinking: of Mexican food
feeling: lazy and bored
bookmarking: new recipes - check them out here
opening: another box of tissues
giggling: at the Mormon memes my brothers keep sending me
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