
baby growing: week 38.

week 38 // 1-21-15 

How far along? 38 weeks.

How big is baby? The size of a leek.

Total weight gain? 25 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Oh, most definitely.

Sleep? It's hit or miss. People keep joking with me that I'll actually sleep better once baby arrives and I can lie down flat again, even if it only for 2 hours here and there. ;)

Food cravings? Burgers. Always. There's just something about the thought of ground beef with fresh, crispy veggies and ketchup. . . In fact, I could go for a burger right now and it's barely 7am.

Food aversions? None.

Movement? Lots. Unfortunately, there isn't much room in there for her to move around and it's getting extremely uncomfortable. (Probably for her, too. Haha.)

Belly button in or out? Half in, half out. So confused by this.

Weird pregnancy things? All of the usual things + lightening crotch. That's a new one this week. I'm finding that although it painful, it isn't as awful as everyone makes it out to be. Hoping that this means full-on contractions won't be as bad as everyone says, too?? Wishful thinking, probably.

Best moment of the week? Had an appointment on Monday and was dilated to a 2, but the doctor didn't seem to think that things would be moving along too fast. Baby is still sitting high and has yet to drop. Mentally preparing myself to be pregnant for eternity.


  1. Have you guys been to Carl's in Brentwood? Cheap and yummy burgers! So good.
