
baby growing: week 30.

I know, it might just be the blurriest picture you've ever seen, but my phone's camera was struggling with the Christmas lights in the background. So here's the 30 week bump in all its glory.

  week 30 // 11-26-15 

How far along? 30 weeks.

How big is baby? The size of a cabbage.

Total weight gain? 21 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Yes!

Sleep? Sleeping well, waking up sore.

Food cravings? This week it's been burgers and BLTs.

Food aversions? None.

Movement? Absolutely! I think it's starting to get a little cramped in there for Baby A and when she's kicking around, she's really kicking around. My doctor declared baby was a feisty one as she was checking for the heartbeat with the hand-held Doppler and baby kept pushing back.

Belly button in or out? In.

Weird pregnancy things? Surprisingly clear skin, moments of feeling lightheaded and short of breath, and needing a hand rolling out of bed or standing up when sitting on the couch. And I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or simply random, but I've never had so many freckles show up after a week out in the sun!

Best moment this week? Flying home from Florida and still having the weekend to stay bundled up inside with blankets and Netflix and a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Mind you, the most perfect batch of chocolate chip cookies to grace this household to date.


  1. Not long now.. Just curious, what have you been watching on netflix lately?

    1. I've been rewatching The Office. :) Nothing too exciting.
