
baby growing: week 29.

week 29 // 11-19-15 

How far along? 29 weeks.

How big is baby? The size of a butternut squash.

Total weight gain? 19 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Yes! This week especially. I purchased a few maternity swimsuits and short sleeve shirts for our trip and they've been fabulous!

Sleep? The difference between last week and this week has been night and day. . .literally. Since picking up a prescription from my doctor for my heartburn, I'm sleeping through the night and waking up to my alarm each morning. My Christmas wish for 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep came early. :)

Food cravings? A burger has sounded good most days this week!

Food aversions? Nope.

Movement? Yes! She went absolutely crazy one of our flights this past week and it was hilarious/uncomfortable/rather unbelievable. This is also the first week I've been able to see my stomach move when she moves.

Belly button in or out? In.

Weird pregnancy things? I've had to use the restroom quite often my whole pregnancy, but this week has been insane. Must be something about being by the ocean/pool most of the time, haha. My back has started hurting pretty bad at night - let me know if you have any suggestions for that! I'm thinking I'll set up an appointment with a chiropractor soon. 

Best moment this week?  Lounging by the pool in the sun. :)