
conference conclusions.

If you missed general conference or want to figure out what in the world I'm talking about, check it out here and click on "sessions," "speakers," or "topics." I'm excited to watch and read the talks again over the next few months, but my current favorites are this talk, this talk, and this talk.

I thought this article, written after the Sunday morning session, was particularly sweet.

Learn more about the three newly called apostles here, here, and here.

People are taking the challenge to "ponderize" to heart and I love seeing all of the verses others are choosing. I love this verse + graphic for week 1! 

If you're short on time, check out these two videos (each just a minute or two long) played during the General Women's Session: Mother in Israel and Sisters in Zion. I especially love the friendships found in both videos.

I'd love to print out multiple quotes/pictures from here and post them on my fridge, bathroom mirror, and next to my computer at work. Friendly reminders are great!

And as always, beautiful & free conference printables from Alexa Z Design.

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