
sugar and spice, and everything nice!

It's a girl, it's a girl!!

We were blessed with a very enthusiastic and kind ultrasound tech who made the experience lots of fun. She measured, took pictures, measured again, took more pictures, and finally asked us if we wanted to know the gender. After prodding baby to move around a bit and having me turn on my side, we were able to get some pictures without the umbilical cord in the way. Baby A is most definitely a girl!

The baby is completely healthy, was a week further along than we were told, and is currently in the 66th percentile for weight and height. She loves to suck her thumb and we think it's adorable. #firsttimeparents

Definitely not a big deal at all, but we learned that I have an anterior placenta- meaning that baby's jabs and kicks will be really light for the next little while (until she grows and starts running out of room) because the placenta is serving as a cushion between the two of us. That explains the really, really light movements or not feeling anything for days.

Ben and I are so excited and can't wait for February 4th to roll around!

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