
baby growing: week 16

week 16 // 8-25-15

How far along? 16 weeks.

How big is baby? The size of an avocado.

Total weight gain? I'm at my starting weight.

Maternity clothes? I've been wearing a few maternity dresses, and a few normal dresses that I bought a size up. (I need to find some maternity jeans - any recommendations?? I refuse to spend $200 on a pair.)

Sleep? I caught a cold this week so I've been taking NyQuil right before heading to bed and haven't been waking up until my alarm goes off. It's been great!

Food cravings? Nothing really. Food hasn't sounded great this week.

Food aversions? Chicken!

Movement? Nope.

Belly button in or out? In.

Weird pregnancy things? Nausea, cramping, and headaches this week. I'm also struggling with all of the extra hormones. . . at Presidency meeting on Sunday we were talking about our December activity and how to make it a great experience for everyone. I started to get super excited talking about what foods we should have, the decorations, the music and spiritual thought, and ended up with tears streaming down my face as I exclaimed, "guys, I just really love Christmas!" Haha. We were all laughing pretty hard at my lack of emotional control. :)

Best moment this week? Hearing the baby's heartbeat and finding a new doctor!


  1. I liked old navy's skinny maternity jeans. Like jeggings, so, comfy. I also used the Bella Bands a lot with my regular jeans because they stayed up better than other maternity jeans I had. I got mine at target.

    1. Oh, I hadn't even thought of Old Navy! I'll have to find a location with maternity clothes. :) Thanks, Rachel!

  2. Also, you should check out Kangaroo Kids on Manchester. They don't have a huge selection of maternity clothes, but it's such a great second hand store. I constantly find things there.

    Ps. They do fittings for nursing bras which is where I got mine.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Miranda! I'll have to check it out! I'm all for buying things second hand and I'll soon be in the market for a nursing bra. :)
