
Whole 30: Week 3

What I've Been Eating/Doing This Week

The third week was a whole lot easier than the previous two, mostly because eating clean has become almost second-nature and I crave things less. Granted, I was dying for a slice of chocolate cheesecake Saturday night, but the craving went away after I had a fried egg. Like I mentioned last week, food has become a bit boring but I tried to pick up some "new" fruits and veggies this week for variety. I also made a point of searching out new recipes on Pinterest. We really loved this one, and since it ended up making enough for 6 meals for both of us, I didn't have to make as many meals this week. It was a nice break!
^^Chicken Vegetable Chili. Taco salad: spinach, ground turkey, guac, salsa, tomatoes, and carrots. Fruit bowl: pineapple, grapes, and coconut chips.^^

Results From Week 3

I feel fabulous! Healthy and happy with what I'm fueling my body with. I still have lots of energy as long as I make sure I'm eating a snack every few hours and drinking lots of water. Unfortunately, my face broke out again really bad this week so I'm pretty sure that what I was eating before wasn't causing the acne; it has to be hormonal. I lost 1 pound this week.

Tips & Tricks

I set a notification on my My Fitness Pal app so it'll remind me each day around 5pm if I haven't yet met my steps goal. It's definitely keeps me on track!

Eating clean can get expensive so I try to plan my fruits and veggies around what's on sale that week (with the exception of my pears!). I've also been buying lots of what's on sale and freezing it if possible for the next week.

Find a friend that will encourage you to keep going. Whenever I have a craving for something sweet, Ben will remind me that it's only 30 days and that I shouldn't give in now.

If you're going to a potluck or dinner party, offer to bring a dish or two that you know you'll be able to eat.

Goals For the Upcoming Week

Eat more veggies than fruit, and try 3 new recipes.

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