
Christmas break in Salt Lake City.

I wrote about the first part of our Christmas break here, but I should probably write about the second half of our trip before February rears her pretty little head.
Our Utah trip consisted of:
  • Comedy Sportz with family
  • exchanging gifts
  • playing board games
  • eye appointments for Ben (he got PRK while we were there...it's like LASIK)
  • Netflix binges
  • shopping and running errands
  • visiting Temple Square and doing baptisms with everyone for the first time!
  • meeting up with family and friends
  • family pictures
  • touring my dad's new office building
  • reading by the fireplace
  • face masks & fingernail polish
  • trying new restaurants
  • Cafe Rio pork salads
It's never fun to say goodbye, but fortunately it usually isn't for very long. :) Until next time, Utah!

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