
fall book swap.

Hello, hello!

Those of you who have stopped by before know that I have an affinity for reading. I probably spend too much time browsing eBay and Amazon--or even digging through thrift store bins--in order to find new books. But no matter how many books I search out and purchase myself, the fact remains that some of my favorite books I've ever read have been gifted to me by family or friends. I'm hoping that by hosting a little book swap, you could discover a new favorite book, too.

Additionally, the hospital I work at is in desperate need of children's books to be used for entertaining kids while they wait for appointments, for speech therapy sessions, and for volunteers to read to young patients. For each person that signs up to participate in the book swap, I'm planning on purchasing and donating a children's book to the hospital library. So spread the word and let's see how many people we can get involved in the book swap and children's book donations!
1. Fill out this form with your basic info by Friday, October 24!
2. I'll shoot you an email (using the email you entered on the form) by Monday, October 27 with another person's name and address that you'll be sending your book to.
3. Drop one of your favorite books and a little note in the mail by Monday, November 3 at the very latest! (It's under $2.50 to mail a book through USPS.)
4. I'll be hosting a link-up on Wednesday, November 19 so you can share a post about the book you received if you feel so inclined!

Please note:
// Limited to U.S. only.
// New or used books are acceptable.
// Keep it clean, please! (No pornography, excessive swearing, drug references, etc.)
// Only sign up if you're willing to mail out a book.
// Your address will only be seen by me and the person who mails you a book.