

listening: to "Glorious" by David Archuleta (on repeat!)
making: our meal plan for the next 2 weeks
cooking: some pumpkin cupcakes tonight
drinking: ice water
wanting: to be outside in the crisp fall air
looking: at retirement investment packages
playing: phone tag with a friend
wasting: time filling this out
wishing: for mountains to miraculously pop up in Missouri
eating: apple slices dipped in peanut butter
enjoying: the fact that it's a Friday!
reading: The Fault in our Stars & Gone Girl
waiting: for General Conference!
liking: all of the positive things happening in the lives of those around me
wondering: why every day can't be Friday
loving: this great conditioner that leaves my hair feeling fabulous (+ it is ridiculously cheap!)
hoping: to do some fun fall activities this month
marveling: at all of the changing colors
needing: a relaxing beach vacation
smelling: peanut butter
wearing: jeans, boots, and a cardigan over a sweater
following: the Prophet (Haha. Can you tell I'm a Primary teacher?)
knowing: probably too much about the development of brains
thinking: of Mexican food
feeling: content
bookmarking: Halloween decorating ideas
noticing: so many people who need help, love, and encouragement    
opening: lots of emails
giggling: at short videos on Facebook


  1. Great Idea! I'm stealing this, thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. oh, i love this list. i'm a primary teacher too! happy general conference weekend :)
