
a trip to the orchard.

My cute parents came out to visit last weekend and one of the things to do on our list was head out to Eckert's to pick some apples. We lucked out with great weather on Saturday, which was fortunate since it rained all day Friday, and a bit on Sunday and Monday. The best part though about Eckert's was getting to munch on apples while we were out in the orchards, and let me tell you, those Suncrisp apples were to die for. They were delicious right off the tree, and they were delicious baked into an Apple Crisp! Between the four us, those 8 pounds of apples didn't last long. :)

See last year's peach picking trip to Eckert's here.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your beautiful orchard! Suncrisps are the best. Thanks for sharing your city with us.
