
I learned how to use tools and i didn't even hurt myself.

One of my coworkers has been volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for over a year now and she's been telling me for months that I should come check it out. This weekend I jumped at the chance since I had some free time and learned quite a bit from it all - how to use a saw, how to measure and cut baseboards, how to cope baseboards, and how to use a nail gun. After adding baseboards to four bedrooms and the living room/kitchen, I'm feeling just a little bit like a pro. Let me come fix/install your baseboards. :)

The coolest part was working right alongside the woman who is buying the Habitat home. She's a first generation home buyer and her whole extended family has been coming and putting in sweat hours to help her meet her quota. (Every HFH home buyer has to put in 350 hours of work on the house they're purchasing. After they hit a certain amount, they can have friends and family members come and count their time towards those 350 required hours.) 

Find out where your closest Habitat for Humanity building site is and take a few hours out of your day to volunteer!


  1. This sounds like such an amazing experience. You inspired me to find out if they work in the UK and it turns out they do but at the moment only in London. Hopefully they will make it up to Scotland soon and I can get involved xo

  2. That's so awesome! I want to look into it now!

  3. This is so awesome! I just learned about Habitat for Humanity a couple months ago and I'd love to volunteer with them every once in awhile! Love that you got this experience!

  4. i have been wanting to do this for so long!!! i know i already mentioned this haha but i just cant get over it! i cant wait to do it one day!
