
the freezer meal world.

I know this is probably one of the more unappealing pictures of mine to grace this blog, but don't click away just yet! It's just beans. :)

Recently, I discovered the beauty and joy of throwing everything and anything in my freezer. Casseroles, enchiladas, pizza dough, cookies, refried beans, cut up fruit, herbs that I grew myself (!!), and even a dish towel made its way in there for a few days. I'm ecstatic to have meals mostly ready to go at the snap of my fingers, because heaven knows I'm never too thrilled about making dinner after I get home from work and/or school.

Trust me, you'll want in on these treasures.

Slow Cooker Refried Beans
Homemade Pizza Crust
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars
Salsa Verde Chicken Enchiladas
Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
Black Bean and Cheese Flautas

*Thaw all of the above (minus the cookies) in the fridge for 6-8 hours before cooking. Set the cookies on your kitchen counter to thaw for 2 hours.

I'm new to this freezer meal world, so feel free to share your favorite recipe with me!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh this is so perfect!! I've been wanting to make freezer meals before baby girl comes... You've inspired me. Thanks girl!
