
running out of summer days.

With summer on its way out and fall just around the corner, I'm getting really excited for some weather changes. But that also might just be because it's been 100 degrees over here recently, with 80% humidity. I die.

Between evening classes and life just being generally busy, there have been quite a few summer activities I haven't gotten around to doing yet this year. Fortunately, my sister-in-law is visiting us this week and was up for a visit to the zoo! Our first 10 minutes was spent searching for an animal (it was so hot they were all hiding), and it pains me to report that a squirrel digging through a garbage can was the first one we saw. The seal tunnel (with A/C!), however, made up for those initial disappointing moments. I'm not an animal person - never have been, never will - but that seal tunnel was pretty sweet and definitely something I could regularly visit.

We have a few festivals going on this weekend and we'll probably hit up a local burger joint in between! Gotta get all of these summer activities in before it's too late. :)

Happy Friday!

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