
catching the fever.

I've never been much of a football or basketball fan. However, soccer and baseball? That's a whole different field. (Get it? Field, haha.) And by "whole different field," I mean that I don't get as bored watching them as I do football and basketball.

St. Louis is a huge, huge baseball town. There are Cardinals flags and signs plastered around the city and surrounding areas, and it's impossible to go to any store without seeing Cardinals merchandise near the checkout. At work, people wear their Cardinals shirts/sweatshirts/socks/ties/hats/earrings/anything red on game days and I can guarantee that if you have a two minute conversation with a stranger in the elevator, the Cardinals will somehow pop up. It's impossible to avoid the fever. Already, Ben has become quite the Cardinals fanatic; he diligently watches all of the games, has attended quite a few already this season, and he even has a shirt. ;)

This week they had a "Mormon Night at the Cardinals" - meaning we got really cheap tickets and sat by 200 missionaries who were having the time of their lives. Ben and I split a cherry snowcone (red, of course), kicked up our feet, and enjoyed a night under the stars with friends watching some baseball.

Go Cards!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Baseball is fabulous, and the Cardinals aren't so bad either. (Mormon night seems like a weird/cool thing.)
