
4th of July & Visitors!

Ben and I had been looking forward to the 4th for quite a while this year. First, his parents were planning on coming out to visit (we all know how much I love visitors :)! Second, America + red, white, and blue + time off of work! All of that good stuff.

I'm happy to report that this past weekend did not disappoint. We busted out our patriotic colors, went gallivanting around the city, and enjoyed some great firework displays. America, we sure do love you.

^^Old Courthouse downtown and the Arch in the background^^
^^The Old Courthouse gets dressed up with flags each 4th of July and it's so fun to go see!^^
 ^^My cute in-laws & Ben and I. (Side note: the Arch is so big that sometimes it's hard to get the whole thing in pictures!)^^
^^Thomas Jefferson. My very favorite part of the Missouri History Museum.^^
^^Watched fireworks from the top of a parking garage by our apartment with this cute guy. One of those moments in life that you want to bottle up and save for for the future. :)^^
^^A room in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. (Learned that there are 41.5 million tiles in the basilica! Crazy!)^^
^^The crowd at Fair St. Louis waiting for The Fray concert and fireworks. SO. Many. People. This picture doesn't even do it justice.^^

Not pictured:
a million other activities and places, fun restaurants, and the many miles we walked around the city

We sure love our family & our country!


  1. That looks like so much fun! The photos of the flag is stunning and I love the photos of y'all under the arch. So glad you had a fun weekend!

  2. I love the flag photo at the courthouse!
