
U T A H // Part 2

We met up with our cousin who is currently an EFY counselor at BYU and got to chat with her for a bit. :)
Hiked to Donut Falls up Big Cottonwood Canyon (I'd highly recommend it for all ages and activity levels).  It was beautiful and so great to be back in nature!
We spent our Family Home Evening out at the driving range.
One of the things we did on Ben's birthday was hike up Timpanooke Trail to the waterfall.  It was definitely a harder hike than Donut Falls, but relatively, not too steep of a trail.  The views were great and we even came across some snow that hadn't yet melted!
Ben requested Funfetti cake with homemade chocolate frosting for his birthday treat, and it was surprisingly ten times better than it sounds!  Also, how fun are those birthday candles? :)

Our week in numbers
Movies watched: 4
Cafe Rio trips: 2
Late nights: 7
Pictures taken: 100+
Birthdays celebrated: 2

We loved getting away from the city for a bit and especially loved spending time with family.
Until next time, Utah!


  1. Hurry back! We have another hike Ben will like...and always more Cafe Rio.

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