
we basically ate all weekend long.

Our Memorial Day weekend was gooood.  Like, you know when you find out you just got something you've really wanted?  Perhaps through opening a gift you've been dreaming of, getting an unexpected raise at work, finding out you won a giveaway, winning the lottery?  That feeling, folks, basically sums up our weekend.  I was excited going into it to have some extra time off work, and fun opportunities kept popping up left and right!

+ I was able to go and get a mani/pedi that I've had a gift certificate for for the past year and a half (So long, right?!).
+ Babysat some cute kids & ate chocolate doughnuts together.
+ Went to a "farewell" lunch at a fun Mediterranean place for some friends that are moving away.
+ Tried some amazingly delicious ribs at Rib Fest downtown.
+ Checked out a piano bar with some friends (I've never been so judged for drinking Sprite before, haha) and got fro-yo.  Things got crazyyyyy.  Only not like drunk and partying, more like running around downtown and racing through splashpads at 11pm.  It was a blast.
+ Survived Primary with an extra 10 kids in my class.
+ Made enough strawberry jam to feed us and the rest of St. Louis for 10 years.
+ Had some friends over for Sunday dinner & the homemade bread turned out better than ever.
+ Skyped family.
+ Got together with friends for a BBQ.

Hope your {extra long} weekend was fabulous!


  1. oh my goodness gracious. do you have a recipe for that strawberry jam? it looks deeelicious!

  2. oh i love your blog design!

  3. Yes, I'm so glad you had a great weekend too! Mine was awesome, awesome. It was also unexpected which makes it even better. =)
