
unexpected places.

Last night I found myself sitting on a chair in the hallway of a broken down and grungy low-income apartment building.  A 4-year old lay on the floor next to me with a package of markers and a SpongeBob coloring book, all while kicking his feet together and softly humming to himself.  A young mother sat to my right holding her baby--a 4-month old who was alternating between complacency and distress, eventually giving way to her lethargy--soaking up all that was being taught and shared.  Across from the mother and I were two young men wearing suits, ties, and name tags.  They put their hearts into their message for this young mom and it was evident that they wanted to share all of their happiness with her.  It was there in that hallway in the rundown, low-income apartment building that I had one of the sweetest, most altruistic experiences to date.  I knew without a doubt that this young mother was being watched over and was loved so very, very much by her Heavely Father, and it was evident that she felt it too.

Want to know more about the message the two young men shared?  Read about it here.


  1. love this, love the gospel, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Love the ah-ha moments in life...
