
marriage and such.

There's nothing quite like having a best friend who's there for everything that life throws at you.

Someone who's there with you when you move across the country and neither one of you know anyone else.  Someone who's there at 3 am when you have a migraine and you need an ice pack from the freezer.  Someone who's there to watch your favorite tv show with you even when they'd rather be doing something else.  Someone who's there at midnight when you hear a noise downstairs.  Someone who offers to help you out with your chores when you have a really busy week and you're just trying to stay afloat.  Someone who knows that you really like the strawberry fruit bars, so they save the last one for you.  Someone who cheers you on through the hard stuff, and comforts you if you fail.  Someone who motivates, encourages, and pushes you to do all of those little things you've wanted to try for a million years.

Ben, you're the bee's knees.

P.S. These photos weren't edited at all. Look at that light in the first and third pictures! *heart eye emoji*


  1. those photos are beautiful! and so are you! loveee your hair!!!

  2. Darling pictures. There is nothing better than having an ally by your side.


  3. The pictures are COMPLETELY gorgeous and you couldn't have described marriage better. Love love.
