
six girls & their trip revolving around food.

About six months ago, a group of friends and I were sitting around eating gelato talking about how awesome it would be to go on a trip with no kids, no responsibilities, and no diapers to change!   Since I a) don't have any kids, and b) love to explore new places, I was gung-ho from the beginning about going on a girls trip!  We threw around a couple of close-by places and settled on Memphis because none of us had ever been there before.

Fast forward half a year and the six of us were on our way to Memphis!

Our first stop was this little hole-in-the-wall place where we had the best ribs ever and met the nicest little, old lady.

After checking into our hotel and letting our food settle for a little bit, we decided to hunt around downtown for some dessert and checked out Beale Street which was definitely hopping!

That night I guess some drunk/high people were trying to get into our hotel room through the joining door from 3am to 5am and were super loud, but...I slept through it and only woke up once for a second.  Heavy sleeping for the win!  After a long night (for everyone else), we started off the morning with some doughnuts - and I definitely wouldn't recommend the maple bacon ones unless you looooooove bacon. :)

We drove around and found the high school from The Blind Side, and then decided to head over to see the home of "The King"--yes, Elvis' home, haha!  In the background of the picture directly below, you can see the mansion Elvis bought when he was 22.  Not bad for 1957 standards...or 2014. ;)  The rock wall in front of the property is covered in writing and drawings and all kinds of entertainment.  We didn't add our names to the wall, but we should have!

Afterwards, we checked out the Nation Civil Rights Museum which is located at the motel where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  The place undeniably had a reverent feel to it, and it was definitely an experience to see the place where such a poignant event in history occurred.

Before heading out of town, we stopped to try some Southern fried chicken which we had heard good things about, and oh my goodness, it was amazing!  The perfect amount of spice and crispy skin. ;)  Although there was quite a long wait, we didn't mind standing around outside in the fabulous 60+ degree weather and soaking up some sun for the first time in months!

The nice thing about there being six of us, was that we usually ordered a "family" meal and split it between all of us.  Two thumbs up for sharing, and by doing so, being able to try lots of new places/food. ;)  Unfortunately, now that we're back, I still have the travel bug and I can't wait to go somewhere new!

Who wants to go to Nashville?!


  1. Um, I'm totally down for Nashville! ;) I have had the travel bug for soo long now. Memphis looked so fun! You've now convinced me to add that to my list. Glad you had such a great time!

  2. I love travels that revolve around food!
