
one room down & only more a million more to go.

As you know, we recently moved out of our tiny apartment where most things were in storage (aka - useless) and into a house with enough space for us to finally stretch out and unpack all of our boxes.  I was intimidated from the start by all of the rooms that need(ed) decorating, so naturally, I started with the smallest one--the downstairs bathroom.  Try not to let that sticker on the base of the toilet bug you like it bugs me.  I need to go take that off ASAP. ;)  Up next, the living room.

shower curtain:   here (on sale!)
rug:  here (on sale!)
towels:  here
plant:  here
ampersand print:  here
frame:  here


  1. we have the same shower curtain!! haha love your entire bathroom, you've inspired me to work on mine! xo
