
a post about Christmas and how great life is.

So good news over here... we have heat again!  Both furnaces went out last Saturday and we've been snuggled up in blankets and heating up rice bags constantly.  Our downstairs thermostat read 39 degrees at one point, so that was fun. ;)  

On another note, Christmas decorations are up (all 5 of them, ha) and Christmas Pandora stations can be heard at all hours of the day!  Hot chocolate has become a regular, and you can find a Christmas movie on the tv every evening over here!

A few days ago we got together with some friends to watch the live Sound of Music on tv.  (Which was fabulous and wonderful in every way possible, so go watch it now if you missed it!)  As Ben and I were walking home hand in hand, it was snowing, and eerily quiet and peaceful.  The alleyway behind our house was beautiful with all of the powder covered tree branches, and it was undeniably one of those moments where you can't help but stop and think "Man, this is the good life!"

I hope your holiday season is peaceful and not too hectic.  :)


  1. ahh so beautiful! i love your decorations! also, your house looks so cute!

  2. I love Christmas. And I love blogging. When those two worlds combine, it's magical. Love reading all the Christmas posts!
