
a baby shower!

For the past week or so I've been feeling like my life has been monotonously passing by.  Work, sleep, repeat.  Don't get me wrong... I'm so grateful for my job and we're truly so blessed, but I've just needed a little something to kickstart my vivacity.  And throwing a little baby shower for a friend this weekend was just what I needed.  I'd forgotten how much I love putting together little gifts and planning things, and now I feel the need to plan a million get-togethers.  

Bring on the holidays, because we are ready to throw some parties! 

(I'm kicking myself for forgetting to pull out my camera at the shower.  So this is all I have.  Oops.)


  1. I love the yellow that you used! It's one of my favorite for baby showers because it's so gender neutral!


  2. You have a great eye for detail! I love the colors. Too bad you didn't take more pictures, I want to see what else you did :)
