
my best friend gives the greatest cards.

Sometimes when you have a lot of energy and dive into some deep cleaning, you come across gems like these cards.  My best friend has a knack for picking out the funniest ones, so obviously I have to keep them!  Not pictured is the "Welcome, little one!" card in baby blue and light yellow that I got for my birthday last year. (Explanation: Everyone at work last summer teased me about being pregnant {which I wasn't/have never been/am not} because Ben and I had just gotten married.  Andy thought it was hilarious and thus, the baby card.)  They all make me smile, but that dinosaur card is my favorite.  :)

It's the little things.


  1. I am a lover of good cards. They make the world a better place.

  2. If I had emoji, I'd give this post a thumbs up and a little heart. And a kissy face.

  3. I second Alicia. It really is the simplest words and cartoons that can make the world go round.
