
i stole a hymn book.

I stole gifted myself this hymn book from church.

A few months ago when I was serving as the ward librarian, I decided to reorganize everything and get rid of stuff from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that had been collecting dust and taking up space.  Whilst doing so, I came across an old cardboard box filled to the brim with stuff.  Church books galore!  Projector slides galore!  Lesson manuals galore!  However, at the bottom of the box were the greatest treasures.  All different editions of the hymn book.

My favorite thing about this 1978 version of the hymns is that it's a nice shade of navy blue, and not that heinous green color.  ;)

Shout out to Ben for preparing a talk yesterday an hour before church started, and actually being able to fill the 15 minutes with worthwhile commentary and thoughts!


  1. Ooooh its really pretty! My husband spoke yesterday too! Im sure yours did great :)

  2. Fan of the nail color. 10 points to you.

  3. That is such a cool design! I would have voted to keep this one

  4. That Hymn Book is way awesome!! And being able to do that must be a guy thing. Mark does that too! I most definitely could NOT do that. I would have to spend the entire week preparing :)..

  5. What a beautiful hymn book! Such a fun treasure to find! :)
