

"The Bean" in Millennium Park.  Love that couple in the background.  :)
The Tribune Tower has pieces of rocks from all over the U.S. and world on the outside of the building.  We each found the rock from our home state.
The Chicago River and Lake Michigan architecture river boat tour was hands down our favorite thing!  A little pricy, but so worth it.
Apparently there are pirates in Chicago...? :)
Fun.  That's what this trip was.  From being serenaded in the car by Ben for the last hour of the drive to Chicago, to sitting on a little bench at Navy Pier that overlooked the lake and sharing funnel cake, to laughing so hard at my cousin's joke while out and about that I had to stop walking to wipe away tears, it was just so enjoyable.  My favorite things we did/saw were: the boat architecture tour, "The Bean," walking around the Tribune Tower, the stained glass museum, trying new restaurants, and window shopping on The Magnificent Mile.

I think everyone should go visit Chicago at least once!
But make sure you take me with you. :)


  1. What a great trip! I want to take the architecture tour! Hope Mandie is doing well up there.

  2. Looks like QUITE the trip. I'm so glad you had fun!!

  3. My sister and a good friend of mine both love Chicago. I really got plan a trip there myself some day soon if it's a beautiful as your pictures make it look!

  4. We just made it to the Bean for the first time a couple weeks ago!

    1. Isn't it awesome? Way cooler than I thought it'd be!
