
volunteer opportunities are the best.

A school for immigrant children--many of which are displaced war refugees--had their back-to-school event this weekend here in St. Louis.  Our church group went to help with registration, handing out backpacks, providing lunches, and just to help curb the chaos.  It was so wonderful to talk to all of the kids and watch waves of euphoria wash over them when they were handed a brand new backpack or even a snowcone! The girl above giving the camera a peace sign told me that I was "sooooo lucky" to have been born in America.  And you know what?  

She's completely right and I needed the reminder. :)


  1. That's beautiful! I volunteered teaching ESL to refugees and it was such an eye opener to me! They were so grateful for the smallest things: the variety of groceries at the store, all the produce to choose from, being able to take a bus and go anywhere, have a place of their own... it was beautiful and I hope I get to work with refugees again one day.


    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}
