
peaches and tractors.

Years and years ago, we had a family get-together weekend at my grandparents' house/farm in Idaho.  We spent all of Saturday cleaning out old barns, fixing fences, doing yard work, riding the tractors, mowing the yard, painting the porch, weeding the garden, and picking fruit.
I don't remember how many plums we picked that day, but I sure remember how many we ate!  My goodness, some of us were so sick the next day.  ;)  When we made plans over the weekend with friends to go pick peaches (attempt number two!), my 10-year old self remembered just how sick you can get from too much fruit.  Needless to say, I only ate one peach while out picking.  We did, however, seem to accumulate 10 lbs. of peaches throughout the evening.  Anyone want some peaches??
There's something so alluring about tractor rides through the orchards and picking peaches during your favorite time of day.  Not to mention, something magical about warm peach cobbler and french vanilla ice cream. :)

Long live summer and iPhone photos!


  1. What a fun date! My husband and I are planning on picking apples in the fall and I can't wait! xo Lauren of www.cornwellfam.com

  2. This sounds so fun & I've been craving peaches!
