
camping, utah, and such.

I've had pictures from the last month that I've been meaning to post, but life gets busy.  :)  Now commencing, Operation Blog Catch-Up.

Our friends, Braden and Whitney, invited us to go camping about a month ago.  Of course we had to jump on that opportunity since we had never been camping together before, and I had been dying for some s'mores.  We drove about 2 hours south of St. Louis and ended up camping next to the prettiest little river.  We set up the tents, got our s'mores fix, and stayed up too late talking around the campfire.
We spent the next day playing in and climbing over all the pools and rocks (as you can see Ben and Braden doing so in the left picture), and swimming in the river.  Admittedly, it was the first time I stopped and realized that I actually think Missouri has some beautiful spots.   It felt like I was emotionally cheating on Utah...aaaand then we drove back to St. Louis and my heart was recommitted to Utah.
Birthdays are best when you get to request special cakes and summer night walks.  (Also, turning 21 doesn't mean much when you're Mormon. #youngwildandfree #butnotsowild.)

It was probably a good thing that my heart finally settled on Utah after our camping trip, seeing as we flew out to Utah the next week.  We went for my best friend's wedding, a family reunion in Idaho, and just to spend time with my family.  It was fabulous! (Minus having a dead camera battery and no charger for the whole trip.)
I stole this group picture off of Facebook from a stranger.  It's whatever.  Also, I'd like to point out that this is probably the first time I've ever looked semi-tan in a picture.  Can we all just soak it in for a minute?  Okay, thanks.
(Note:  This steakhouse is the coolest place ever.  They bring your meat out to you on a hot stone and you cook your meat as you cut off pieces!  Food and entertainment. :)
We look like babies in this picture, but what can you expect after spending all day at the pool in the hot sun? :)

Until next time, Utah!


  1. Haha I know the feeling...about turning 21. I have lots of friends who have celebrated their 21st at Disneyland and their nonmormon friends were like whaat?!

    This is looks like such a fun trip and your friend's dress was GORGEOUS. Wow.

    1. Okay, I would have given anything to celebrate my 21st at Disneyland! HOW FUN!!

      Her dress was beautiful! Her mom actually made it, too!

  2. oh utah, it's a pretty great place! haha don't worry that my "crazy turning 21" event may or may not have been skinny dipping in the lake. cuz like you said, being 21 and mormon is ever so exciting haha

    1. Bahahahaha. I love it! Skinny dipping would be quite the party ;)

  3. happy birthday!! 21 is totally un-monumental...of course, I also happened to be newly pregnant, so it was even less exciting for me, haha.
    your post made me miss utah summers. :)

    1. Hahaha, being pregnant definitely puts a tiny cramp on the wild parties. ;)

  4. Not so wild.. hahahaha. You're the cutest. Looks so fun!

    1. Thanks, Maddie! :) I hope you're feeling better now that that dang gallbladder is gone!!
