
painted a warm gold.


You know that moment right before the sun slips below the horizon, and everything is painted a warm gold? It's that moment that makes me happy from my head to my toes. It's that moment that repairs my heart and soul from the wear and tear of the day. It's that moment that I'm able to put aside anything negative that I might be feeling and truly be content. It's that moment that I become more appreciative and aware of everything around me. It's that moment that has become my favorite time of the day.

What's your favorite time of day?

Also, this is more for me than anyone else... songs for the month of May.
may playlist by Alexis A. on Grooveshark


  1. hey i wrote a blog post about this time of the day once! it is my MOST favoriteeeeeee!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You know me, can't choose just one. I also love mid mornings when the sun is warming the air, everything is quiet (because everyone is gone), and I can sit outside to read. I love the stillness of this time of day.

    1. One day I'll get to do that. Instead, I'm usually sending emails at that time. :)

  4. sounds beautiful - you wrote that so pretty! i love mornings when i don't rush off to work and the sun is out!

  5. I love "Between the Raindrops". Been listening to it over and over. Thanks!

  6. I'm not sure I have a favorite time of day--I just know that I'm not a morning person!

  7. Definitely my favorite moment of the early morning and evening as well.

  8. That skirt is to die for! I absolutely love that time during the day. That's the best for photography.

