
President Hinckley was one smart cookie.

Keep trying.

Some days are definitely harder than others.  Some days I just can't figure out what I'm supposed to be doing with my life.  Some days I wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  Some days everything goes wrong.  Some days I make a fool of myself or forget important things.  Some days I don't quite reach the expectations I've set for myself.  Some days I honestly don't get a lot done once I come home from work, and I choose to be lazy.  Some days I work myself into the ground.  Some days are just a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (please say you've read this book!).  But it's okay, because tomorrow is always a new day with new possibilities.

Be believing.

To believe something is to have confidence and faith in a truth.  Believe in tomorrows and second chances.  Believe that you have the power to turn something negative into a positive.  Most importantly, believe in God's plan for you, His timing, and His love for you.

Be happy.

Oh, how I love this simple statement!  Choose to be happy.  Be a catalyst of happiness; help others to be happy.  In Gretchen Rubin's book The Book of Happiness, she writes about 8 splendid truths of happiness that she discovers about herself and people in general.  The second splendid truth is, "One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself."  Think about it.

Don't get discouraged.

Realize that it's okay to have hard days!  Realize that everyone else gets discouraged too.  But definitely don't forget to keep trying, be believing, and be happy.

Everything will work out.

A promise--everything will work out.  We all choose to be happy for different reasons, but I think I choose to be happy because I know that it will all work out.  God is good.  He is so, so good to me, as I'm sure He is to you.  And what a blessing it is to know that His love is a constant.


  1. One of the reasons I love you, Lex. Thanks for the uplifting post.

    1. Ah!! I totally just remembered about your email! I promise I'll take care of it tomorrow! Sorry, work has been insane lately and I'm heading to bed, but I'm setting a reminder in my phone to email you tomorrow evening. :)

  2. I feel ya. Everything has it's reason. Thanks for this beautiful post.

  3. Some days...it feels like I have more of THOSE kind of days than the good ones. Awesome post. I love President Hinckley's quotes :)

  4. Love this post!! I agree- President Hinckley was certainly a smart cookie. His quotes always provide hope in the dark moments of life! xoxo

  5. I love that quote! And I absolutely adore that man.

  6. Thanks for this beautiful post.
    "One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself."- i agree with you!

  7. you are completely lovely. your newest follower.


  8. I totally made that that the picture/quote the background on my phone last week. such a good reminder!

    1. What a good idea! I think I'm going to copy you. :)

  9. We are so blessed!Yes indeed, God is good.

  10. I loved reading all this!! Thank you for posting such sweet words! I know I am totally down on myself a lot, and sometimes it's hard to take a step back and think, it's gonna be ok. Or I'm not as horrible as I think! But God def makes all things better, especially ourselves! :)


    1. Sounds like you are one smart cookie, too. :)
