

John Allred concert at school. Cookies from Chad. Sonic drinks in the car. Hugging the tree in the commons area at school. In Cody's living room. Celebratory BYU cakes after getting accepted. Birthday balloons for David. Photo board at Maggie Moo's. Outdoor symphony at Thanksgiving Point (I couldn't get the photo to center. Sorry :)). Sonic drinks. Picture drawn without hands. Senior grad night. Better Than Anything cake. Earthfest/Train concert. High school graduation. Crafting to get through mono. The Summer of Love van. Mel's awkward Christmas sweaters party. Taking Trax to Temple Square. Temple Square statues. Sitting around the firepit at Hayley's. Taking the bus to Provo. Water balloon fight. Senior grad night. First day at BYU.

Floating the Provo River. Temple Square. Photos with Bayli. Proposals. The waterslide in Alpine.  Flowers. Trampoline sleepovers. More pictures with Bayli. Mel's house. Festival of Colors. Getting locked out of the truck. Parker's farewell. The pantry. Mustaches for July 4th. Lehi Rodeo. BYU Talent Show. BYU football game. California. California. Disneyland. Provo temple. Lauren's concert. Yogurtland. Relief Society. Sparks for Lizzy's birthday.

There are some people who instantly draw you in with their funny personality, sarcasm, and love for life.  And this girl did that for me.

Happiest of happy birthdays to you!

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