
i have no trouble admitting the following right now:

1.  I laid in bed all of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday watching the first season of Once Upon A Time (I can't decide how I feel about this show.  My opinion changes from episode to episode.).
2.  I drank an entire bottle of cold/flu medicine.  I almost died this weekend coughing up a lung.  I'm sick.
3.  Okay, it was only half of the bottle.
4.  I kept hitting a dead end on a project at work and got so stressed out, that I took a two minute breather to walk outside, kick a rock, and go back in.  It helped.
5.  I love not having my Facebook account activated right now!  Only like 10% of me misses it.  (I'm pathetic.  It hasn't even been a whole week yet...)
6.  This past week I discovered the world's greatest chocolate chip recipe.  The cookies turn out perfectly each time and look like they should be in a Martha Stewart magazine.
7.  I'd rather sleep for an extra 20 minutes and go to work with my hair partially dry than wake up earlier to dry it.
8.  I tend to spend more money than I should at Target, so I grounded myself from that big, red, enticing bullseye.
9.  I always trip over my left foot.  Most of my "right" shoes are in great condition, while my "left" shoes are lookin' a little sorry.  I know, it's embarrassing.
10.  I have like 10 different birthday cards/wedding cards/baby gifts/birthday presents that need to be mailed out to people, but I haven't made it over to the post office yet.  It's been like 2 1/2 months.  (You know who you all are...sorry! :))


  1. Lex! i miss you too! sorry you were sick, that makes me so sad!!! ): I can't wait to see you at Ms. Andy Brienne's wedding :))

    BTW! Here's my exact same watch on ebay:

    that's what I got my sister in law for christmas, i know it looks SUPER gold on the pic, but it's really not - mine has faded a lot because i wear it so much, and because it's cheap ;) but it's probably my favorite but least expensive watch! haha!


    1. Oh my goodness. Rach, you are the BEST. :) I think I need this watch in my life...

      Yes, I will be seeing you in June!!! We can catch up and everything. :)

  2. Hope you still have a good lung.:) Choco chip cookies sound good. Too bad shoes aren't like socks so you could just mix-n-match the good ones.

    1. This chocolate chip cookie recipe will change your life. I'll email it to you!

  3. Grounded yourself from Target??? NOOOOOOO!! Gurl, I can't live without the bulls-eye!! ;)

  4. LOL kick a rock and go back in. that sounds like some cure. also, good job with the whole no facebook thing. i thought about it, then i realized i could never do that. SAD.
    also, do you have instagram? :)

    The DayLee Journal

    1. I needed some way to get my frustrations out, haha! Yeah, my instagram name is lexis751!

  5. i barely ever open my fb account anyway. unless there's a message from my friends, so really. i couldn't tell the difference about having it or not. ha.

    also, i always let my hair dry naturally. i don't care going with my hair half wet too.

    1. You're so good! Most people waste too much time on Facebook--like me. :)
